
McCutcheon Air Conditioning and Heating Blog

23 July 2024
AC Blog
Ensure your air conditioning stays safe from power surges. Invest in a high-quality surge protector from Sean McCutcheon's Air Conditioning and Heating, Inc. It could save you hundreds of dollars in repair or replacement costs. What is a surge protec...
28 March 2024
AC Blog
You’ve probably heard by now, that Smart Thermostats can reduce your HVAC-related energy consumption by a lot, but energy savings are just the beginning… Before we get into all the bells and whistles, let’s begin by defining our terms… There are 3 ba...
23 January 2024
AC Blog
When it comes to replacing your old air conditioning system in the (usually) balmy Sarasota area, you can turn that old “get it while it’s hot” idiom right on its head… Here in the Suncoast, heating and air conditioning companies are less busy in the...
21 April 2023
AC Blog
In addition to its stated aim of curbing inflation, the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) which was signed into law in August of 2022, is the largest federal investment to fight climate change in U.S. history. It accomplishes this by offering tax credits...
30 November 2022
AC Blog
Bottom Line: New energy efficiency standards for air conditioners, heat pumps and furnaces are going into effect this January 1, 2023 and that means air conditioning prices are going up so, if you’re about due for a new air conditioning system, there...
15 August 2017
AC Blog
Don’t trust anyone contacting you out of the blue with an unbelievable offer. Reputable companies don’t go around promising free services or massive discounts. After all, they’re in business to make a...
15 April 2019
AC Blog
By now you’ve probably received several different official-looking letters offering you air conditioning and heating, electrical, plumbing, and other home services from what appears to be Florida Powe...